Friday, December 23, 2005

The dangers of TV

This isn't necessarily a rant against something that brings me my favorite weekly fixes. TV isn't inherently bad. It does inform and entertain (mostly entertain, but that's a topic for another day). I, at the ripe old age of 39, am not ashamed to admit I do watch Kid's TV. Yup. Rugrats, Fairly Odd Parents (Cosmo, you rule !!!). I do miss my classic Warner brothers (not that fake re-hash movie crap, but the original "kill the wabbit" cartoons) but again, another day.

One afternoon, I had the pleasure of being in front of my TV, watching cartoons and it was commercial time. The toy was...I'm still trying to find a valid reason (beyond as a joke) that anyone would have bought it. It was a toy dog that ..."urinates". What, fake barking and flipping over aren't enough anymore? How real do ya wanna make that thing? Are "realistic plastic teeth" next?

Then, there's Barbie. Nowadays, they're turning her into mythical creatures. The whole beach bunny/ballerina/olympic skater wasn't un-realistic enough. I had SuperStar Barbie when I was 10. She was who I used to play Scarlett O' Hara in my own rendition of Gone with the Wind.

Just some random thoughts.


Blogger Criminal Minds Fan said...

I played with Barbie Dolls as a child but discouraged my daughter to because I felt the sterotype she portrayed was something I did not want my daughter emulating. Have a great Holiday season and healthy and safe New Year! :)

6:39 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

Well, Barbie herself was pretty fake with those proportions. Isn't the mythical creature thing just admitting she's more of a fantasy object than a role-model?

Besides, Blue Fairy Barbie is pretty hot.

Now, what's really weird about Barbie, if you think about it is that her lifestyle pretty much outlines "Sex and the City" way ahead of its time - think about it. Most girls I knew had multiple of Barbies, constantly fooling with the hair, and amassing shoes and wardrobes. The Barbies interacted with each other, and if the kid had even one Ken, he was pretty much disposable, and the Barbies passed him around like a cigarette.

7:18 PM  

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