Friday, December 23, 2005

A thought or two on the holidays

Now, I don't want anyone to get the idea that I'm anti-Christ(mas) or anything, but is anyone else sick of the mass consumerism that's shoved down our throats this time of year? Why does Madison Ave (or wherever the symbol of advertising is) start talking about the "Christmas Rush" before Halloween? Why do they need to add to the stress that this time of year brings for many? I get the whole commerce thing. Really. But we're all conditioned to want to spend beyond our means, rush around trying to make everything "perfect and get down because of the things we can't do. It's just awful. When I saw that video footage of people charging into a store to get the "hot item" of the season, I couldn't wonder, how many different parties were responsible for what happened? The store, the chain, the advertisers, the people who showed such disregard for the safety of others that they were willing to trample other people for the chance to spend a ridiculous amount of money on this item that won the "hot item of the year" lottery like Cabbage Patch dolls did so many years ago. What is wrong with us? So caught up in this manufactured idea are we that we forget what the holiday is supposed to represent. Lest anyone think that I'm gonna start telling the bible story, do not worry. I'm merely saying that the real symbolism of the various religions gets lost in the mix. This has been on my mind lately. I find myself getting caught up in it too. I actually have to tell myself, out loud, to stop. I was depressed because finances are tight this year and I couldn't do what I usually do. I seemed to have snapped out of it for the time being. So let me take the opportunity to wish everyone: Blessed Yule, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah.


Blogger Criminal Minds Fan said...

I really agree with you. I tried to go into a Super Target a few days ago and when I saw the parking lot I decided against it. What really worries me is people who spend above their means and then suffer for it for months or even years after. I do hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season! :)

2:25 PM  

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